Articles Relating to Reading Comprehension and Mental
Anderson, R.C., Goetz, E.T., Pichert, J.W., & Halff, H.M. 1977.
Two faces of the conceptual peg hypothesis. Journal of Experimental
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Bartlett, F.C. 1995. Remembering. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
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Clark, J.M., & Paivio, A. 1991. Dual coding theory and education.
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Cramer, E.H. 1980. Mental imagery, reading attitude, and comprehension.
Reading Improvement, 17, 135-139.
Denis, M. 1982. Imaging while reading text: A study of individual
differences. Memory & Cognition, 10, 540-545.
Denis, M. 1984. Imagery and prose: A critical review of research
on adults and children. Text, 4, 381-401.
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Gambrell, L.B., & Bales, R.J. 1986. Mental imagery and the
comprehension-monitoring performance of fourth- and fifth-grade poor
readers. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 454-464.
Gambrell, L.B., & Jawitz, P.B. 1993. Mental imagery, text
illustration, and children's story comprehension and recall. Reading
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Giesen, C., & Peeck, J. 1984. Effects of imagery instruction
on reading and retaining a literary text. Journal of Mental Imagery,
8, 79-90.
Goetz, E.T., & Sadoski, M. 1996. Imaginative processes in
literary comprehension. In R.J. Kreuz & M.S. MacNealy (Eds.), Empirical
approaches to literature and aesthetics (pp. 221-240). Norwood,
NJ: Ablex.
Goetz, E.T., Sadoski, M., & Olivarez, A., Jr. 1991. Getting
a reading on reader response: Relationships between imagery, affect,
and importance ratings, recall and imagery reports. Reading Psychology,
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in reasoning. Psychology Review, 75, 550-560.
Intons-Peterson, M.J. 1993. Imagery's role in creativity and
discovery. In B. Roskos-Ewoldsen, M.J. Intons-Peterson, & R.E. Anderson,
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Jorm, A.F. 1977. Effect of word imagery on reading performance
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Kaufmann, G. 1990. Imagery effects in problem solving. In P.J.
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Kaufmann, G., & Helstrup, T. 1985. Mental imagery and problem
solving: Implications for the educational process. In A.A. Sheikh &
K.S. Sheikh (Eds.), Imagery in education: Imagery in the educational
process (pp. 113-144). Farmingdale, NY: Baywood.
Kolker, B., & Terwilliger, P.N. 1986. Visual imagery of text
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Levie, W.H., & Lentz, R. 1982. Effects of text illustrations:
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Reading Psychology, 20, 21-60.
Morrow, L.M. 1985. Retelling stories: A strategy for improving
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Paivio, A. 1996. Imagery and memory. In M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed.),
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Pressley, M. 1977. Imagery and children's learning: Putting the
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comprehension of text. Elementary School Journal, 90.
Rasinski, T.V. 1985. Picture this: Using imagery as a reading
comprehension strategy. Reading Horizons, 25, 280-288.
Rodriguez, M., & Sadoski, M. 2000. Effects of rote, context,
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classrooms. Language Learning, 50, 385-412.
Sadock, J.M. 1993. Figurative speech and linguistics. In A. Ortony
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Sadoski, M. 1983. An exploratory study of the relationships between
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Research Quarterly, 19, 110-123.
Sadoski, M. 1985. The natural use of imagery in story comprehension
and recall: Replication and extension. Reading Research Quarterly,
20, 658-667.
Sadoski, M., 1999a. Comprehending comprehension [Essay review
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Quarterly, 34, 493-500.
Sadoski, M. 1999b. Mental imagery in reading: A sampler of some
significant studies. Reading Online [electonic journal of the
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Sadoski, M., Goetz, E.T., & Fritz, J.B. 1993b. Impact of
concreteness on comprehensibility, interest, and memory for text: Implications
for dual coding theory and text design. Journal of Educational Psychology,
85, 291-304.
Sadoski, M., Goetz, E., & Kangiser, S. 1988. Imagination
in story response: Relationships between imagery, affect, and structural
importance. Reading Research Quarterly, 23, 320-336.
Sadoski, M., Goetz, E.T., Olivarez, A., Lee, S., & Roberts, N.M.
1990. Imagination in story reading: The role of imagery, verbal
recall, story analysis, and processing levels. Journal of Reading
Behavior, 22, 55-70.
Sadoski, M., & Paivio, A. 1994. A dual coding view of imagery
and verbal processes in reading comprehension. In R.B. Ruddell, M.R.
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Sadoski, M., & Paivio, A. 2001. Imagery and text.
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Sadoski, M., Paivio, A., & Goetz, E.T. 1991. Commentary:
A critique of schema theory in reading and a dual coding alternative.
Reading Research Quarterly, 26, 463-484.
Steingart, S.K., & Glock, M.D. 1979. Imagery and the recall
of connected discourse. Reading Research Quarterly, 15, 66-83.
Suzuki, N.S. 1985. Imagery research with children: Implications
for education. In A.A. Sheikh & K.S. Sheikh (Eds.), Imagery in
education: Imagery in the educational process (pp. 179-198). Farmingdale,
NY: Baywood